Sarvestan Oil Field is located 110 km southeast of Shiraz and Saadat Abad Oil Field is located 20 km north of Sarvestan Field; in 1973, the first well was drilled in these fields and the presence of hydrocarbons was discovered in the Ilam and Sarvak formations.
Project start date: 2018
Developer: Petro Sahel Ofogh Kish Company (PESOK)
Project description:
- Conducting geophysics, geology, petrophysics, reservoir engineering, earth surface studies
- Understanding well and reservoir behavior, predicting the future performance of wells and reservoirs
- Preparation of simulator models, including material balance, static and dynamic, earth surface and their simultaneous implementation to achieve the optimal scenario
- Investigating various reservoir development schemes and conducting economic studies
- Optimizing production and reservoir management
Project goals: Examine the EOR and EUR scenarios