Quality Management System
Petroiran Development Company (PEDCO) is determined to attain Company’s objectives to the highest level, through establishment and execution of Integrated Management System (IMS). Third party auditor certifies that the management system of our organization has been assessed and meets the requirements of the related standards according to OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO14001:2004, HSE-MS OGP model Report number 210, ISO 9001:2008, ISOTS 29001:2010. Integrated Management System of PEDCO has been certified by ROYAL CERT International Registers under the accreditation of DAKKS accreditation body. Scope of mentioned management system is as following:
Management of oil, gas and petrochemical EPC project's, including pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up and handover of offshore/onshore project's, offshore/onshore oil and gas field development, procurement of material and equipment, drilling of offshore/onshore oil and gas wells, operation and maintenance of offshore/onshore facilities.
Accordingly, Petroiran top level management communicated his commitment to the establishment, execution and improvement of Company IMS by approving "Statement of the Company HSEQ Policy".
1000 LTI free days in Salman Oil and Gas Development Project EPC2
A worthy proof of concerning about the HSE issues is the record of 1000 LTI free days in Salman Oil and Gas Development Project, EPC2, in 2006, comprising the best result ever attained.
Although this record is still being protected as it was, advancement of HSE system of approach is and will continually be on top of our management’s objectives.
The following picture shows the staff of PEDCO and its contractor’s personnel are taking part in HSE ceremony to celebrate 1000 LTI free working days.
Petroiran Development Company (PEDCO) is determined to attain Company’s objectives to the highest level, through establishment and execution of Quality Management System according to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 Standard and ISO/ TS 29001: 2003 Technical Specification (specific quality management system / requirements for product and service supply organizations in petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries).
The principles of Quality Management System including "Customer focus", "Leadership", "Involvement of people", "Process approach", "System approach to management", "Continual improvement", "Factual approach to decision making" and "Mutually beneficial supplier relationships", fully be regarded by top level management in order to lead the Company towards improved performance.
Quality Management System of PEDCO’s operative units (including Tehran office, Kish branch and Projects execution sites) has been certified by "GRUPPO IMQ S.p.A" (member of Italian Federation of Management System Certification Bodies, "CISQ") with accreditation of "SINCERT" and under registration of "The International Certification Network (IQNet)" on February 2007, in the field of activities related to execution of development projects in upstream sector of oil and gas industries, as below:
- Exploration and evaluation,
- Oil and gas reservoir studies,
- Drilling,
- Management and supervision of design, fabrication, construction, installation and commissioning of onshore and offshore facilities,
- Production and production increase.
Accordingly, Petroiran top level management communicated his commitment to the establishment, execution and improvement of Company Quality Management System by approving "Statement of Company Quality Policy" with following highlighted points.
- Utilization specialized and experienced manpower and optimize use of other resources for timely completion of the whole work scope and at a reasonable cost to secure and maintain the quality of Company’s products and services,
- Providing continual training to employees in order to improve their skill and efficiency in line with human resources development,
- Providing grounds for attracting the employees’ participation and flourishing their talents and potentials with a view to attain Company objectives and materialize its plans,
- Utilization up-to-date engineering knowledge to guarantee accomplishment of the Company’s projects and services consistent with the international standards requirements,
- Improvement Company’s supervision and control, over the performance of consultants, contractors and suppliers,
- Ensuring client’s full satisfaction through understanding of their requirements and responding to their expectations,
Monitoring performance of Quality Management System processes and conducting periodical audits to make sure of the effectiveness and efficiency of its operation and achieve Continual Improvement in Quality Management System through planning, taking the necessary actions, controls and periodical reviews.
1000 days free of LTI in Salman Oil and Gas Development Project EPC2
A worthy prove on concerning about the HSE issues is registration of 1000 days free of LTI in Salman Oil and Gas Development Project EPC2, at 2006/06/16 comprising the best result ever attained.
Although this record is still being protected as it was, advancement of HSE system of approach is and will continually be on top of our management’s objectives.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
In line with the company's HSEQ policy, PEDCO commits itself on being among the best in IMS. To accomplish this, PEDCO has carried out the following HSE related activities in 2012:
- Monitoring the IMS parameters, Taking the corrective and preventive actions
- Maintaining the improvement of the Integrated Management System
- Planning, organizing & implementing the HSEQ Management System in PEDCO affiliated companies;
- Reviewing & updating company's HSEQ Policy;
- Controlling activities of the company and contractors from HSEQ aspects;
- Holding Emergency Response Drills
- Reviewing contractors' document (contracts, design, purchase and executive documents) and declaring corrective comments;
- Establishing effective communicative approach to make the company staff, contractors and the client aware of PEDCO HSEQ requirements and the taken measures;
- Cooperating with contractors to implement the company HSEQ policy
- Revising and preparing the HSEQ documents in the PEDCO head office including processes, method statements and forms required for the HSEQ management
The company had lower potential risks and Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) has decreased in 2009 and 2012 affirm effectiveness of the implemented HSE management system. The following histogram shows LTIF index in PEDCO for various years in comparison with international rate.
LTIF index in PEDCO compared to International rate.